Thursday, December 22, 2011

Oh I wish I had a camera!

After my last post, my boyfriend and I laughed a lot while wrapping Christmas presents.  Once that was accomplished I decided to pre-mix the sugar cookies for tomorrow so they could refrigerate overnight even though the recipe doesn't say to.  Wow, that is some AWESOME cookie dough!

After that was mixed up i thought, hey, why not go ahead and make the Hallelujah Brownies too! Except this time I was going to have my boyfriend help me...which is why I wish I had a camera!  I mixed up the chocolate chip cookies, and prepped the brownies for him, all he had to do was crack the egg, and mix them up for me.  But the faces he was making were priceless!  Let's just say that my boyfriend has been banned from the kitchen up till this point, he can tell me almost anything I would ever need to know about fixing cars and trucks, but is not the best in the kitchen.  I love to cook for him anyway.

Mixing complete, and the layers done they are fortunately in the oven, and there is chocolate all over the kitchen.  Well maybe not ALL over the kitchen, but it's a close thing.  I didn't have this much clean-up when I cooked a full meal!  But it was sooo worth it!  It is always more fun having a second person in the kitchen with you, even if they don't know what they are doing or feel comfortable doing it.

Hallelujah, the brownies are done!
Now to let them cool, then I can cut them and have a bite.

12:20 am...After posting this, I let the brownies cool for 10 minutes, and when I started to transfer them to a cutting board I realized they were still completely back in the oven for 20 mintues, still raw, so baking for 20 more minutes...


  1. I hate it when the brownies don't get cooked all the way through! Did it work out ok or are they dried up now? Let me know how the parchment paper worked with brownies. Was it helpful?

  2. It did work out. They were really thick, and the parchment paper made it easy to lift them all out of the pan so I could cut them. I think next time I use this recipe I'm going to make them in muffin pans...
