Thursday, September 20, 2012

Even a failure can turn into a success

Two nights in a row now I have had ultimate failure in brownie making.  I had new to me pans for making mini muffins and thought, hey I can make brownie bites!  So I mixed up my death by chocolate brownies and away I went...15 minutes later they are done, and unequivocally stuck to the pan.  They tasted wonderful, but I was not about to take a plate full of crumbled brownies to tonight I mixed up another batch of brownies, made sure I greased the bejeebas out of the pan, and sugared it, cause that works when I make banana bread...and again, superbly stuck brownies. 

Epic on to plan B.  The pans went into the garbage, and the moist but crumbly brownies went into my mixer.

Add a bit of cream cheese (all 8 ounces actually)

And mix until the whole mess is combined, I found out after making several "truffles" that this part gets messy, so I would refrigerate your truffle middle for at least an hour, and a second pair of hands would be great...

I used the Baker's microwavable chocolate, it's a super time saver!!!

Roll a small spoonful of truffle into a ball, then dip in the chocolate.  Sprinkle with Spice Agent vanilla sea salt if you have any!

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